these are my live drawing sketch pages.... these are what i caught using my iris lens..... these are my iris pictures

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Indonesia's Sketchers @ Surakarta

Indonesia’s Sketchers @ Surakarta Hadiningrat

Dec 22nd 2009.


Menutup tahun 2009, Eve mengajak saya untuk sketching di Surakarta.

Yah, kebetulan juga pas liburan akhir tahun, dan Natal bagi Eve, Selamat hari raya ya!

Awalnya hanya saya dan adik saya (reza, 8th) yang hadir dan bersketsa, kemudian datang Eve bersama adiknya, dan kemudian mas Doni yang datang dari Jogja ikut bersketsa bersama di pasar windujenar ini.

Perkembangan pasar windujenar ini sendiri cukup unik seiring perkembangan jaman. Kondisi yang kami tangkap melalui sketsa kali ini adalah kondisi pasar yang baru saja dipugar dengan bentuk yang lebih modern dan nyaman. Dengan tentunya sesuai dengan estetika lingkungan yang ada. Sayangnya karena terhitung pasar yang baru, pembentukan karakter kiosnya masih belum terasa kental.

Pasar barang antik yang berlokasi di pusat kota surakarta ini sempat berganti nama menjadi pasar Triwindu pada jaman colonial, dan kemudian namanya dirubah kembali menjadi pasar Windujenar dengan bentuk fisik bangunan yang baru.

Meskipun secara fisik pasar barang antic tradisionalnya berubah menjadi pasar modern, pola komunikasi antara pedagang dan pembeli di sini masih cukup tradisional, dengan tawar menawar, dan bahkan anda bias melakukan barter disini.

Teristimewa dari pasar Windujenar sekarang ini adalah adanya public space yang cukup luas dan cantik untuk masyarakat Surakarta.

ada beberapa anak dari pedagang barang antik di pasar windujenar yang ikut nimbrung, hingga akhirnya saya beri mereka kertas dan pensil untuk ikut menggambar.

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

Kesederhanaan dalam Musafir yang lugu.


Kesederhanaan dalam Musafir yang lugu.

Surakarta, December 14th 2009

His name is Sam Sun

He loves Wu-shu, Body building, Capoera, Martial arts, and ART (specially sketching).

He was having long hair like Chinese oldskool kung fu movie but now got baldhead, ”Like shaolin warrior’ as he told me.

He came from Madiun, East Java from a traditional farmer family. I didn’t know his exactly address but he told me that you can ask any bad guy in Madiun Bus Station for his name.

And he don’t use phone as well as he not using computers, internet, and camera digital.

He likes to be a ‘Musafir’ when he doesn’t go farming in his village. Taking his drawing board with lot of papers, sketching everything he saw everywhere. But in morning and evening, you’ll see him practicing his martial art, jogging, and do some looping jump.

He was registered at my college at year of 2000, and got drop out a year later. Then, he goes re-entry at year 2002 as new student just for a year too. His favorite class is drawing class. And he still likes to hang out around campus, that’s a reason why even new student know him, and it was the easy way to find him to.

Mostly he likes to sketch people faces, and people like to be his models. Mostly his models are his friend in college, and some people he knows on street. And some times some people asking him to be his models. I was lucky to find his sketch of me as model, and it was March 3rd 2003 sketch that he made for me. I still keep the copy of his sketch at my home while he kept the real artwork
He likes to use many media and technique, but mostly he likes to use drawing pen and pencil. Too bad that he never use sketch book, he often use A4 70g HVS paper, and sometimes get good papers from friends.
He likes to use color pencils to for some work. But sometimes he like to play with other media too.

He likes to draw animals too, and like a hunter, he could stand still ignore anything to get some good natural pose of animals like birds, or other wildlife animals. Though he also likes to go to zoo

For his body building and muscles, he need a lot of food nutrition. And he likes to sketch what he will eat.

Normally he draw with his right hand, but he sure can draw with left hand too. And even he try and practice using his foot to draw too.

He likes to sketch everything and everywhere and every time, specially where many people/crowd/event held. At 2005, his friends in campus invite him for exhibition at campus for more than 700 sketchs he made, maybe now it more than 2000 sketchs he already done.

Yang tak terbayarkan adalah kepolosan dan ketulusannya sebagai seorang teman dalam kesederhanaan hidupnya sebagai seorang musafir yang nomaden saat ia melangkahkan kakinya keluar untuk berpetualang.*

*=please find the mean by your own language

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

iris picture project 1# (1/3 of journey)

my first sketch on this book is taking place on my basecamp, erwan, is my friend in work, playing guitar and singing in evening, second draw taking place in north of blok m square, it not finished yet, cause some work call me first...

i was sitting on rear seat of KIA pregio on the way to sentul for reccee (check for shooting location) with Autocilin TVC production team, the driver drove the car fast, while others sleeping... i draw, while then i sketching at Nefosindo office's garage while waiting for a meeting with Autocilin TVC production team.

i sketch this one while Indonesia Sketchers members got a small meet up at semanggi plaza, jakarta, SOHO resto.

while waiting for reccee for Gudang Garam fair play TVC production

some sketch behind the scene of Frestea TVC production on melawai, blok M, Jakarta.

behind the scene of Autocilin tvc production at blok M, jakarta

while preparation for Gudang Garam fair play tvc production, we work in 7'sunday who had nice office.

Liez, my best friend, fell asleep after too tired company me around jakarta with my bike,

behind the scene of Gudang garam fair play TVC, it was 3 days of night scene, 350 people extra talent and they all foreigner, and some drunk. 26 football players

Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

SURAKARTA always be my holiday

Surakarta, my wifey hometown, are always be my holiday. around end of october 2009
i start to draw my lovely lil boy, Falih karuna while he sleeping, he was 3,5 months old when i draw him,

i take my first ride around solo and found that an old house, use to be soldier headquarter, now already renovated and became great old house. unfortunately not easy to get enter the gate cause of the many guards around this house.

my second draw taking place at museum pers indonesia, still in solo, it's an old building and used as museum (as it name, LOL)
taking this sketch at noon in front of the museum they got small city garden, so i can do relax sketching enjoying sound of water funtains

i make this quick sketch at a bike workshop.... good hell (read it gudhel; name of my bike) got flat tire after taking long ride around surakarta....

all sketch using mechanichal pencil pentel 0,5 2B

Indonesia sketchers... raise my live sketching passion again

my sister, Atit, make Indonesia sketchers group on facebook, it raise my live sketching passion again... yippie....
and these draw i made since their first gathering, october 10th 2009, at museum fatahillah, jakarta kota.

i made this on on jalan surabaya, menteng, jakarta. a long street full of antique market vendors.
this on is music corner, where they selling vinyl plate, cassette, cd, turntable, tape deck, speakers, and others..... its nice to hang out here at evening with their big trees surrounding.

this one i made really early in the morning while taking a zip of coffee in coffee wars, located at kemang timur, jakarta,
a nice coffee shop owned by yogie d sumule and his brother, derby,
nice and good people there....